I went to have a talk with Prof. "Batman". It ended up being somewhat awkward because my last day of classes was over three weeks ago and because I ended up with a mediocre grade in the class. Though an uncomfortable conversation overall he did offer some simple, but enlightening advice (which is probably obvious to you but not to me since my mind just loves to overwhelm itself in regards to the career decision dilemma).
The best thing he told me was to stop focusing on the schooling involved and instead focus on what it is that I want to do in the end. Simple, right? But can you believe that I wasn't ever thinking of it that way? Maybe it's because for so many years going back to school was my escape. Now I am having a hard time reimagining myself back in the real (working) world. But he's right. Even if I did do a PhD program, I will NOT be in school (as a student) forever. I need to really think about what I want to do every day. He also warned me that all professions will include drudgery. So I also need to stop focusing so much on that too.
I think that he felt he wasn't helpful, but in fact he was. Focusing on what I want to do every day is more intuitive and will hopefully lead to clearer thinking.
He did also say that graduate work in Chemistry is probably not the best option for me given my performance in Orgo. Oh well, I kinda knew that already. I'm ok because I know there are still other things out there for me. Besides it wasn't as though I was thinking "I HAVE to do Organic Chemistry or I will die". The only thing I really feel that way about is the Oboe. Medicine comes second, but it *is* indeed there. Some sort of educational role is probably third.
So what are today's choices?
1 - Medicine
2 - Education (probably high school chemistry)