A deadline??
I had a few moments to myself at work today. This is an amazing thing in of itself. As usual I tend to take these moments to start a pity party. I started as usual "Woe is me, for having made xyz stupid decision in the past, blah, blah, blah". As I type this I realize this is probably at least partially to blame for my complete inability to make any decisions currently. Anyway, I digress. What I started thinking about was that if I am ever to respect myself again, I need to make a decision. It's not even about the right decision anymore. I just need to make A decision. This job, like most other things I do or don't do, has become yet another way for me to procrastinate on what I am really supposed to be doing. I am yet again putting my life on hold and THAT is what is at the root of my current sense of malaise. Of course my life feels directionless. I am in yet another damn holding pattern. And the only way out of it is to make a decision. If I don't, I face years and years of feeling inadequate, of feeling that I have no control over my life. Do I really want to be bossed around at work for years to come? Hell, no. The sooner I figure something out the sooner I can get out.
So since it no longer matters whether the decision is perfect or not, I am thinking that I just need to give myself an arbitrary deadline. I will either decide that I'm applying to medical school and start going through the motions. Or I will decide that it's not for me once and for all and get as far away from the field, and its inexorable pull, as I can.
What is no longer an option is staying here for years and years while I raise a baby, etc. This is why I was starting to think ambivalently about the baby thing again (though I am know I want it). I will stick to my decision, whatever it may be, regardless of how the baby option works out. I just have to have faith that it will have to work itself out.
So, what could a good deadline be? Since I am a school geek at heart it makes sense to time it according to that schedule. I am going to give myself a deadline of Spring. If I am to do med school, I must take the MCAT in April or May. My test results are allowed to affect the decision. So that means that by June or so I will know whether I want to apply to med school and whether I stand a chance of getting in. If I decide to go for it, then I will have to stay at the job another year while I apply. If I give up on the med school idea and the PA one as well, then maybe I will do the NYC teaching fellows thing. I haven't thought about the PA option through well yet. It means having to take more courses. I really wish I could just go back to school this coming September. My job is pissing me off.
Anyway, I am going to do my very best to take control of this. One way or another. It's liberating to no longer care about whether the decision is perfect or not. I just need to make one.
I ran across your blog when I was googling "Why I want to be a pharmacologist"...because Google, in theory, should know everything about everyone. However, it could not provide the answers I am searching for. I found your struggles with your future very similar to my own. I'm finishing my undergraduate degree in Biology in May. I've completed 9 of 10 graduate school applications, now I'm just trying to finish my essay for the Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (hence the Google search).
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I don't know if a PhD is right for me, but I just needed to make a decision. This summer I had an internship at Pfizer and I decided that I was just going to get a job after graduation and then have whomever I work for pay for me to get my MBA (then I could try and move up the scientific corporate ladder). Basically, I was afraid of failing in a PhD program. Then, my supervisor said I was very talented had tremendous potential and was surprised to learn I wasn't applying to graduate school. This got me thinking. A man that I'd admire who has a PhD thinks I can do it, my friends think I can do it, my family thinks I can do it, why aren't I doing it? So, I decided to apply to graduate schools after all.
I've taken the GRE twice and haven't done so hot on it. Somehow I think this is an unconcious road block I've built for myself because maybe deep down I don't want a PhD...it would give me an excuse in case I don't get accepted. I'm not sure if I made the right decision, I don't think I'll ever be sure. If I don't get accepted anywhere then I'll just resort to my summer plan of a job and an MBA. And, if I do get accepted, that will just be another difficult decision I'll have to make, to accept it or not.
I hope you accomplish your goals, whatever they may be, and that you make the 'right' decision. Good luck on the quest for your destiny.
Hi, Hilda - Please see my comment on your oboe blog from Mother's Day. I went to med school w/ 2 kids & a husband, survived residency, and now am in private practice and have taken up the oboe. It has been a pleasure finding your blogs. Please email me if you have ANY questions at all about med school. You do NOT have to give up the oboe. You CAN have a spouse & child & still do it. Best wishes, Izzie (adrageli@yahoo.com)
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